International Building Code 1109.10
Assembly area seating. Assembly areas with fixed
seating shall comply with Section 1108.2 for accessible seating
and assistive listening devices.
International Building Code 1109.1
General. Accessible building features and facilities
shall be provided in accordance with Sections 1109.2 through
Exception: Type A and Type B dwelling and sleeping units
shall comply with ICC A117.1.
International Building Code 1109.11
Seating at tables, counters and work surfaces.
Where seating or standing space at fixed or built-in tables,
counters or work surfaces is provided in accessible spaces, at
least 5 percent of the seating and standing spaces, but not less
than one, shall be accessible. In Group I-3 occupancy visiting
areas at least 5 percent, but not less than one, cubicle or counter
shall be accessible on both the visitor and detainee sides.
1. Check-writing surfaces at check-out aisles not
required to comply with Section 1109.12.2 are not
required to be accessible.
2. In Group I-3 occupancies, the counter or cubicle on
the detainee side is not required to be accessible at
noncontact visiting areas or in areas not serving
accessible holding cells or sleeping units.
International Building Code 1109.11.1
Dispersion. Accessible fixed or built-in seating
at tables, counters or work surfaces shall be distributed
throughout the space or facility containing such elements.
International Building Code 1109.12
Service facilities. Service facilities shall provide for
accessible features in accordance with Sections 1109.12.1
through 1109.12.5.
Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Where
dressing rooms, fitting rooms or locker rooms are provided,
at least 5 percent, but not less than one, of each type of use in
each cluster provided shall be accessible.
Check-out aisles. Where check-out aisles are
provided, accessible check-out aisles shall be provided in
accordance with Table 1109.12.2. Where check-out aisles
serve different functions, at least one accessible check-out
aisle shall be provided for each function. Where checkout
aisles serve different functions, accessible check-out aisles
shall be provided in accordance with Table 1109.12.2 for
each function. Where check-out aisles are dispersed
throughout the building or facility, accessible check-out
aisles shall also be dispersed. Traffic control devices, security
devices and turnstiles located in accessible check-out
aisles or lanes shall be accessible.
Point of sale and service counters. Where counters
are provided for sales or distribution of goods or services,
at least one of each type provided shall be accessible.
Where such counters are dispersed throughout the building
or facility, accessible counters shall also be dispersed.
Food service lines. Food service lines shall be
accessible. Where self-service shelves are provided, at least
50 percent, but not less than one, of each type provided shall
be accessible.
Queue and waiting lines. Queue and waiting
lines servicing accessible counters or check-out aisles shall
be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.12.1
Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Where
dressing rooms, fitting rooms or locker rooms are provided,
at least 5 percent, but not less than one, of each type of use in
each cluster provided shall be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.12.2
Check-out aisles. Where check-out aisles are
provided, accessible check-out aisles shall be provided in
accordance with Table 1109.12.2. Where check-out aisles
serve different functions, at least one accessible check-out
aisle shall be provided for each function. Where checkout
aisles serve different functions, accessible check-out aisles
shall be provided in accordance with Table 1109.12.2 for
each function. Where check-out aisles are dispersed
throughout the building or facility, accessible check-out
aisles shall also be dispersed. Traffic control devices, security
devices and turnstiles located in accessible check-out
aisles or lanes shall be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.12.3
Point of sale and service counters. Where counters
are provided for sales or distribution of goods or services,
at least one of each type provided shall be accessible.
Where such counters are dispersed throughout the building
or facility, accessible counters shall also be dispersed.
International Building Code 1109.12.4
Food service lines. Food service lines shall be
accessible. Where self-service shelves are provided, at least
50 percent, but not less than one, of each type provided shall
be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.12.5
Queue and waiting lines. Queue and waiting
lines servicing accessible counters or check-out aisles shall
be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.13
Controls, operating mechanisms and hardware.
Controls, operating mechanisms and hardware intended for
operation by the occupant, including switches that control
lighting and ventilation and electrical convenience outlets, in
accessible spaces, along accessible routes or as parts of accessible
elements shall be accessible.
1. Operable parts that are intended for use only by service
or maintenance personnel shall not be required to
be accessible.
2. Electrical or communication receptacles serving a
dedicated use shall not be required to be accessible.
3. Where two or more outlets are provided in a kitchen
above a length of counter top that is uninterrupted by a
sink or appliance, one outlet shall not be required to
be accessible.
4. Floor electrical receptacles shall not be required to be
5. HVACdiffusers shall not be required to be accessible.
6. Except for light switches, where redundant controls
are provided for a single element, one control in each
space shall not be required to be accessible.
7. Access doors or gates in barrier walls and fences protecting
pools, spas and hot tubs shall be permitted to
have operable parts of the release of latch on
self-latching devices at 54 inches (1370 mm) maximumand
48 inches minimum above the finished floor
or ground, provided the self-latching devices are not
also self-locking devices, operated by means of a key,
electronic opener, or integral combination lock.
Operable window. Where operable windows are
provided in rooms that are required to be accessible in accordance
with Sections 1107.5.1.1, 1107.5.2.1, 1107.5.3.1,
1107.5.4, 1107.6.1.1, 1107. and 1107.6.4.1, at least
one window in each room shall be accessible and each
required operable window shall be accessible.
Exception: Accessible windows are not required in
bathrooms or kitchens.
International Building Code 1109.13.1
Operable window. Where operable windows are
provided in rooms that are required to be accessible in accordance
with Sections 1107.5.1.1, 1107.5.2.1, 1107.5.3.1,
1107.5.4, 1107.6.1.1, 1107. and 1107.6.4.1, at least
one window in each room shall be accessible and each
required operable window shall be accessible.
Exception: Accessible windows are not required in
bathrooms or kitchens.
International Building Code 1109.14
Recreational and sports facilities. Recreational and
sports facilities shall be provided with accessible features in
accordance with Sections 1109.14.1 through 1109.14.4.
Facilities serving a single building. In Group
R-2 and R-3 occupancies where recreational facilities are
provided serving a single building containing Type A units
or Type B units, 25 percent, but not less than one, of each
type of recreational facility shall be accessible. Every recreational
facility of each type on a site shall be considered to
determine the total number of each type that is required to be
Facilities serving multiple buildings. In Group
R-2 and R-3 occupancies on a single site where multiple
buildings containing TypeAunits or TypeBunits are served
by recreational facilities, 25 percent, but not less than one,
of each type of recreational facility serving each building
shall be accessible. The total number of each type of recreational
facility that is required to be accessible shall be
determined by considering every recreational facility of
each type serving each building on the site.
Other occupancies. All recreational and sports
facilities not falling within the purview of Section
1109.14.1 or 1109.14.2 shall be accessible.
Recreational and sports facilities exceptions.
Recreational and sports facilities required to be accessible
shall be exempt from this chapter to the extent specified in
this section.
Bowling lanes. An accessible route shall be
provided to at least 5 percent, but no less than one, of
each type of bowling lane.
Court sports. In court sports, at least one
accessible route shall directly connect both sides of the
Raised boxing or wrestling rings. Raised
boxing or wrestling rings are not required to be accessible.
Raised refereeing, judging and scoring
areas. Raised structures used solely for refereeing, judging
or scoring a sport are not required to be accessible.
Raised diving boards and diving platforms.
Raised diving boards and diving platforms are
not required to be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.14.1
Facilities serving a single building. In Group
R-2 and R-3 occupancies where recreational facilities are
provided serving a single building containing Type A units
or Type B units, 25 percent, but not less than one, of each
type of recreational facility shall be accessible. Every recreational
facility of each type on a site shall be considered to
determine the total number of each type that is required to be
International Building Code 1109.14.2
Facilities serving multiple buildings. In Group
R-2 and R-3 occupancies on a single site where multiple
buildings containing TypeAunits or TypeBunits are served
by recreational facilities, 25 percent, but not less than one,
of each type of recreational facility serving each building
shall be accessible. The total number of each type of recreational
facility that is required to be accessible shall be
determined by considering every recreational facility of
each type serving each building on the site.
International Building Code 1109.14.3
Other occupancies. All recreational and sports
facilities not falling within the purview of Section
1109.14.1 or 1109.14.2 shall be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.14.4
Recreational and sports facilities exceptions.
Recreational and sports facilities required to be accessible
shall be exempt from this chapter to the extent specified in
this section.
Bowling lanes. An accessible route shall be
provided to at least 5 percent, but no less than one, of
each type of bowling lane.
Court sports. In court sports, at least one
accessible route shall directly connect both sides of the
Raised boxing or wrestling rings. Raised
boxing or wrestling rings are not required to be accessible.
Raised refereeing, judging and scoring
areas. Raised structures used solely for refereeing, judging
or scoring a sport are not required to be accessible.
Raised diving boards and diving platforms.
Raised diving boards and diving platforms are
not required to be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.14.4.1
Bowling lanes. An accessible route shall be
provided to at least 5 percent, but no less than one, of
each type of bowling lane.
International Building Code 1109.14.4.2
Court sports. In court sports, at least one
accessible route shall directly connect both sides of the
International Building Code 1109.14.4.3
Raised boxing or wrestling rings. Raised
boxing or wrestling rings are not required to be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.14.4.4
Raised refereeing, judging and scoring
areas. Raised structures used solely for refereeing, judging
or scoring a sport are not required to be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.14.4.5
Raised diving boards and diving platforms.
Raised diving boards and diving platforms are
not required to be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.2
Toilet and bathing facilities. Toilet rooms and bathing
facilities shall be accessible. Where a floor level is not required
to be connected by an accessible route, the only toilet rooms or
bathing facilities provided within the facility shall not be
located on the inaccessible floor. At least one of each type of
fixture, element, control or dispenser in each accessible toilet
room and bathing facility shall be accessible.
1. In toilet rooms or bathing facilities accessed only
through a private office, not for common or public use
and intended for use by a single occupant, any of the
following alternatives are allowed:
1.1. Doors are permitted to swing into the clear
floor space, provided the door swing can be
reversed to meet the requirements in ICC
1.2. The height requirements for the water closet
in ICC A117.1 are not applicable;
1.3. Grab bars are not required to be installed in a
toilet room, provided that reinforcement has
been installed in the walls and located so as to
permit the installation of such grab bars; and
1.4. The requirement for height, knee and toe
clearance shall not apply to a lavatory.
2. This section is not applicable to toilet and bathing
facilities that serve dwelling units or sleeping units
that are not required to be accessible by Section 1107.
3. Where multiple single-user toilet rooms or bathing
facilities are clustered at a single location, at least 50
percent but not less than one room for each use at each
cluster shall be accessible.
4. Where no more than one urinal is provided in a toilet
room or bathing facility, the urinal is not required to
be accessible.
5. Toilet rooms that are part of critical care or intensive
care patient sleeping rooms are not required to be
Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly
and mercantile occupancies, an accessible unisex toilet
room shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more
male and female water closets is required. In buildings of
mixed occupancy, only those water closets required for the
assembly or mercantile occupancy shall be used to determine
the unisex toilet room requirement. In recreational
facilities where separate-sex bathing rooms are provided, an
accessible unisex bathing room shall be provided. Fixtures
located within unisex toilet and bathing rooms shall be
included in determining the number of fixtures provided in
an occupancy.
Exception: Where each separate-sex bathing room has
only one shower or bathtub fixture, a unisex bathing
room is not required.
Standard. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall comply with Sections 1109.2.1.2 through
1109.2.1.7 and ICC A117.1.
Unisex toilet rooms. Unisex toilet rooms
shall include only onewater closet and only one lavatory.
A unisex bathing room in accordance with Section
1109.2.1.3 shall be considered a unisex toilet room.
Exception: A urinal is permitted to be provided in
addition to the water closet in a unisex toilet room.
Unisex bathing rooms. Unisex bathing
rooms shall include only one shower or bathtub fixture.
Unisex bathing rooms shall also include one water closet
and one lavatory. Where storage facilities are provided
for separate-sex bathing rooms, accessible storage facilities
shall be provided for unisex bathing rooms.
Location. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall be located on an accessible route. Unisex toilet
rooms shall be located not more than one story above or
below separate-sex toilet rooms. The accessible route
from any separate-sex toilet room to a unisex toilet room
shall not exceed 500 feet (152 m).
Prohibited location. In passenger transportation
facilities and airports, the accessible route from
separate-sex toilet rooms to a unisex toilet room shall not
pass through security checkpoints.
Clear floor space. Where doors swing into a
unisex toilet or bathing room, a clear floor space not less
than 30 inches by 48 inches (762 mm by 1219 mm) shall
be provided, within the room, beyond the area of the door
Privacy. Doors to unisex toilet and bathing
rooms shall be securable from within the room.
Water closet compartment. Where water closet
compartments are provided in a toilet room or bathing facility,
at least one wheelchair-accessible compartment shall be
provided. Where the combined total water closet compartments
and urinals provided in a toilet room or bathing facility
is six or more, at least one ambulatory-accessible water
closet compartment shall be provided in addition to the
wheelchair-accessible compartment. Wheelchair-accessible
and ambulatory-accessible compartments shall comply
with ICC A117.1.
International Building Code 1109.2.1
Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly
and mercantile occupancies, an accessible unisex toilet
room shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more
male and female water closets is required. In buildings of
mixed occupancy, only those water closets required for the
assembly or mercantile occupancy shall be used to determine
the unisex toilet room requirement. In recreational
facilities where separate-sex bathing rooms are provided, an
accessible unisex bathing room shall be provided. Fixtures
located within unisex toilet and bathing rooms shall be
included in determining the number of fixtures provided in
an occupancy.
Exception: Where each separate-sex bathing room has
only one shower or bathtub fixture, a unisex bathing
room is not required.
Standard. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall comply with Sections 1109.2.1.2 through
1109.2.1.7 and ICC A117.1.
Unisex toilet rooms. Unisex toilet rooms
shall include only onewater closet and only one lavatory.
A unisex bathing room in accordance with Section
1109.2.1.3 shall be considered a unisex toilet room.
Exception: A urinal is permitted to be provided in
addition to the water closet in a unisex toilet room.
Unisex bathing rooms. Unisex bathing
rooms shall include only one shower or bathtub fixture.
Unisex bathing rooms shall also include one water closet
and one lavatory. Where storage facilities are provided
for separate-sex bathing rooms, accessible storage facilities
shall be provided for unisex bathing rooms.
Location. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall be located on an accessible route. Unisex toilet
rooms shall be located not more than one story above or
below separate-sex toilet rooms. The accessible route
from any separate-sex toilet room to a unisex toilet room
shall not exceed 500 feet (152 m).
Prohibited location. In passenger transportation
facilities and airports, the accessible route from
separate-sex toilet rooms to a unisex toilet room shall not
pass through security checkpoints.
Clear floor space. Where doors swing into a
unisex toilet or bathing room, a clear floor space not less
than 30 inches by 48 inches (762 mm by 1219 mm) shall
be provided, within the room, beyond the area of the door
Privacy. Doors to unisex toilet and bathing
rooms shall be securable from within the room.
International Building Code 1109.2.1.1
Standard. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall comply with Sections 1109.2.1.2 through
1109.2.1.7 and ICC A117.1.
International Building Code 1109.2.1.2
Unisex toilet rooms. Unisex toilet rooms
shall include only onewater closet and only one lavatory.
A unisex bathing room in accordance with Section
1109.2.1.3 shall be considered a unisex toilet room.
Exception: A urinal is permitted to be provided in
addition to the water closet in a unisex toilet room.
International Building Code 1109.2.1.3
Unisex bathing rooms. Unisex bathing
rooms shall include only one shower or bathtub fixture.
Unisex bathing rooms shall also include one water closet
and one lavatory. Where storage facilities are provided
for separate-sex bathing rooms, accessible storage facilities
shall be provided for unisex bathing rooms.
International Building Code 1109.2.1.4
Location. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms
shall be located on an accessible route. Unisex toilet
rooms shall be located not more than one story above or
below separate-sex toilet rooms. The accessible route
from any separate-sex toilet room to a unisex toilet room
shall not exceed 500 feet (152 m).
International Building Code 1109.2.1.5
Prohibited location. In passenger transportation
facilities and airports, the accessible route from
separate-sex toilet rooms to a unisex toilet room shall not
pass through security checkpoints.
International Building Code 1109.2.1.6
Clear floor space. Where doors swing into a
unisex toilet or bathing room, a clear floor space not less
than 30 inches by 48 inches (762 mm by 1219 mm) shall
be provided, within the room, beyond the area of the door
International Building Code 1109.2.1.7
Privacy. Doors to unisex toilet and bathing
rooms shall be securable from within the room.
International Building Code 1109.2.2
Water closet compartment. Where water closet
compartments are provided in a toilet room or bathing facility,
at least one wheelchair-accessible compartment shall be
provided. Where the combined total water closet compartments
and urinals provided in a toilet room or bathing facility
is six or more, at least one ambulatory-accessible water
closet compartment shall be provided in addition to the
wheelchair-accessible compartment. Wheelchair-accessible
and ambulatory-accessible compartments shall comply
with ICC A117.1.
International Building Code 1109.3
Sinks. Where sinks are provided, at least 5 percent but
not less than one provided in accessible spaces shall comply
with ICC A117.1.
Exception: Mop or service sinks are not required to be
International Building Code 1109.4
Kitchens and kitchenettes. Where kitchens and kitchenettes
are provided in accessible spaces or rooms, they shall
be accessible in accordance with ICC A117.1.
International Building Code 1109.5
Drinking fountains. Where drinking fountains are
provided on an exterior site, on a floor or within a secured area,
the drinking fountains shall be provided in accordance with
Sections 1109.5.1 and 1109.5.2.
Minimum number. No fewer than two drinking
fountains shall be provided. One drinking fountain shall
comply with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair
and one drinking fountain shall comply with the
requirements for standing persons.
Exception: A single drinking fountain that complies
with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair
and standing persons shall be permitted to be substituted
for two separate drinking fountains.
More than the minimum number. Where more
than the minimum number of drinking fountains specified
in Section 1109.5.1 are provided, 50 percent of the total
number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with
the requirements for persons who use a wheelchair and 50
percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided
shall comply with the requirements for standing persons.
Exception: Where 50 percent of the drinking fountains
yields a fraction, 50 percent shall be permitted to be
rounded up or down, provided that the total number of
drinking fountains complying with this section equals
100 percent of the drinking fountains.
International Building Code 1109.5.1
Minimum number. No fewer than two drinking
fountains shall be provided. One drinking fountain shall
comply with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair
and one drinking fountain shall comply with the
requirements for standing persons.
Exception: A single drinking fountain that complies
with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair
and standing persons shall be permitted to be substituted
for two separate drinking fountains.
International Building Code 1109.5.2
More than the minimum number. Where more
than the minimum number of drinking fountains specified
in Section 1109.5.1 are provided, 50 percent of the total
number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with
the requirements for persons who use a wheelchair and 50
percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided
shall comply with the requirements for standing persons.
Exception: Where 50 percent of the drinking fountains
yields a fraction, 50 percent shall be permitted to be
rounded up or down, provided that the total number of
drinking fountains complying with this section equals
100 percent of the drinking fountains.
International Building Code 1109.6
Elevators. Passenger elevators on an accessible route
shall be accessible and comply with Section 3001.3.
International Building Code 1109.7
Lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts are permitted to be a
part of a required accessible route in new construction where
indicated in Items 1 through 7. Platform (wheelchair) lifts shall
be installed in accordance with ASME A18.1.
1. An accessible route to a performing area and speaker
platforms in Group A occupancies.
2. An accessible route to wheelchair spaces required to
comply with the wheelchair space dispersion requirements
of Sections 1108.2.2 through 1108.2.5.
3. An accessible route to spaces that are not open to the
general public with an occupant load of not more than
4. An accessible route within a dwelling or sleeping unit.
5. An accessible route to wheelchair seating spaces
located in outdoor dining terraces in Group A-5 occupancies
where the means of egress from the dining terraces
to a public way are open to the outdoors.
6. An accessible route to jury boxes and witness stands;
raised courtroom stations including judges’ benches,
clerks’ stations, bailiffs’ stations, deputy clerks’ stations
and court reporters’ stations; and to depressed
areas such as the well of the court.
7. An accessible route to load and unload areas serving
amusement rides.
8. An accessible route to play components or soft contained
play structures.
9. An accessible route to team or player seating areas
serving areas of sport activity.
10. An accessible route where existing exterior site constraints
make use of a ramp or elevator infeasible.
International Building Code 1109.8
Storage. Where fixed or built-in storage elements such
as cabinets, shelves, medicine cabinets, closets and drawers are
provided in required accessible spaces, at least one of each type
shall contain storage space complying with ICC A117.1.
Lockers. Where lockers are provided in accessible
spaces, at least five percent, but not less than one, of each
type shall be accessible.
Shelving and display units. Self-service shelves
and display units shall be located on an accessible route.
Such shelving and display units shall not be required to
comply with reach-range provisions.
Coat hooks and shelves. Where coat hooks and
shelves are provided in toilet rooms or toilet compartments
or in dressing, fitting or locker rooms, at least one of each
type shall be accessible and shall be provided in accessible
toilet rooms without toilet compartments, accessible toilet
compartments and accessible dressing, fitting and locker
International Building Code 1109.8.1
Lockers. Where lockers are provided in accessible
spaces, at least five percent, but not less than one, of each
type shall be accessible.
International Building Code 1109.8.2
Shelving and display units. Self-service shelves
and display units shall be located on an accessible route.
Such shelving and display units shall not be required to
comply with reach-range provisions.
International Building Code 1109.8.3
Coat hooks and shelves. Where coat hooks and
shelves are provided in toilet rooms or toilet compartments
or in dressing, fitting or locker rooms, at least one of each
type shall be accessible and shall be provided in accessible
toilet rooms without toilet compartments, accessible toilet
compartments and accessible dressing, fitting and locker
International Building Code 1109.9
Detectable warnings. Passenger transit platform edges
bordering a drop-off and not protected by platform screens or
guards shall have a detectable warning.
Exception: Detectable warnings are not required at bus