International Building Code 1713.1
General. Whenever there is a reasonable doubt as to the
stability or load-bearing capacity of a completed building,
structure or portion thereof for the expected loads, an engineering
assessment shall be required. The engineering assessment
shall involve either a structural analysis or an in-situ load test,
or both. The structural analysis shall be based on actual material
properties and other as-built conditions that affect stability
or load-bearing capacity, and shall be conducted in accordance
with the applicable design standard. If the structural assessment
determines that the load-bearing capacity is less than that
required by the code, load tests shall be conducted in accor-
dance with Section 1713.2. If the building, structure or portion
thereof is found to have inadequate stability or load-bearing
capacity for the expected loads, modifications to ensure structural
adequacy or the removal of the inadequate construction
shall be required.
International Building Code 1713.2
Test standards. Structural components and assemblies
shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate material standards
listed in Chapter 35. In the absence of a standard that contains
an applicable load test procedure, the test procedure shall
be developed by a registered design professional and approved.
The test procedure shall simulate loads and conditions of application
that the completed structure or portion thereof will be
subjected to in normal use.
International Building Code 1713.3
In-situ load tests. In-situ load tests shall be conducted
in accordance with Section 1713.3.1 or 1713.3.2 and shall be
supervised by a registered design professional. The test shall
simulate the applicable loading conditions specified in Chapter
16 as necessary to address the concerns regarding structural
stability of the building, structure or portion thereof.
Load test procedure specified. Where a standard
listed in Chapter 35 contains an applicable load test procedure
and acceptance criteria, the test procedure and acceptance
criteria in the standard shall apply. In the absence of
specific load factors or acceptance criteria, the load factors
and acceptance criteria in Section 1713.3.2 shall apply.
Load test procedure not specified. In the absence
of applicable load test procedures contained within a standard
referenced by this code or acceptance criteria for a specific
material or method of construction, such existing
structure shall be subjected to a test procedure developed by
a registered design professional that simulates applicable
loading and deformation conditions. For components that
are not a part of the seismic-load-resisting system, the test
load shall be equal to two times the unfactored design loads.
The test load shall be left in place for a period of 24 hours.
The structure shall be considered to have successfully met
the test requirements where the following criteria are satisfied:
1. Under the design load, the deflection shall not exceed
the limitations specified in Section 1604.3.
2. Within 24 hours after removal of the test load, the
structure shall have recovered not less than 75 percent
of the maximum deflection.
3. During and immediately after the test, the structure
shall not show evidence of failure.
International Building Code 1713.3.1
Load test procedure specified. Where a standard
listed in Chapter 35 contains an applicable load test procedure
and acceptance criteria, the test procedure and acceptance
criteria in the standard shall apply. In the absence of
specific load factors or acceptance criteria, the load factors
and acceptance criteria in Section 1713.3.2 shall apply.
[edit]International Building Code 1713.3.2
Load test procedure not specified. In the absence
of applicable load test procedures contained within a standard
referenced by this code or acceptance criteria for a specific
material or method of construction, such existing
structure shall be subjected to a test procedure developed by
a registered design professional that simulates applicable
loading and deformation conditions. For components that
are not a part of the seismic-load-resisting system, the test
load shall be equal to two times the unfactored design loads.
The test load shall be left in place for a period of 24 hours.
The structure shall be considered to have successfully met
the test requirements where the following criteria are satisfied:
1. Under the design load, the deflection shall not exceed
the limitations specified in Section 1604.3.
2. Within 24 hours after removal of the test load, the
structure shall have recovered not less than 75 percent
of the maximum deflection.
3. During and immediately after the test, the structure
shall not show evidence of failure.