International Building Code 3102.1
General. The provisions of this section shall apply to
air-supported, air-inflated, membrane-covered cable and
membrane-covered frame structures, collectively known as
membrane structures, erected for a period of 180 days or longer.
Those erected for a shorter period of time shall comply
with the International Fire Code. Membrane structures covering
water storage facilities, water clarifiers, water treatment
plants, sewage treatment plants, greenhouses and similar facilities
not used for human occupancy, are required to meet only
the requirements of Sections 3102.3.1 and 3102.7.
International Building Code 3102.2
Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
the purposes of this section and as used elsewhere in this code,
have the meanings shown herein:
AIR-INFLATEDSTRUCTURE.Abuilding where the shape
of the structure is maintained by air pressurization of cells or
tubes to form a barrel vault over the usable area. Occupants of
such a structure do not occupy the pressurized area used to support
the structure.
AIR-SUPPORTED STRUCTURE. A building wherein the
shape of the structure is attained by air pressure and occupants
of the structure are within the elevated pressure area. Air-supported
structures are of two basic types:
Double skin. Similar to a single skin, but with an attached
liner that is separated from the outer skin and provides an
airspace which serves for insulation, acoustic, aesthetic or
similar purposes.
Single skin. Where there is only the single outer skin and
the air pressure is directly against that skin.
A structure in which the uplift is resisted by cables or
webbings which are anchored to either foundations or dead
men. Reinforcing cable or webbing is attached by various
methods to the membrane or is an integral part of the membrane.
This is not a cable-supported structure.
nonpressurized structure in which a mast and cable system provides
support and tension to the membrane weather barrier and
the membrane imparts stability to the structure.
nonpressurized building wherein the structure is composed of a
rigid framework to support a tensioned membrane which provides
the weather barrier.
membrane structure in which the membrane and all component
parts of the structure are noncombustible.
International Building Code 3102.3
Type of construction. Noncombustible membrane
structures shall be classified as Type IIB construction.
Noncombustible frame or cable-supported structures covered
by an approved membrane in accordance with Section
3102.3.1 shall be classified as Type IIB construction. Heavy
timber frame-supported structures covered by an approved
membrane in accordance with Section 3102.3.1 shall be classified
as Type IV construction. Other membrane structures shall
be classified as Type V construction.
Exception: Plastic less than 30 feet (9144 mm) above any
floor used in greenhouses, where occupancy by the general
public is not authorized, and for aquaculture pond covers is
not required to meet the fire propagation performance criteria
of NFPA 701.
Membrane and interior liner material. Membranes
and interior liners shall be either noncombustible as
set forth in Section 703.4 or meet the fire propagation performance
criteria of NFPA 701 and the manufacturer�s test
Exception: Plastic less than 20 mil (0.5 mm)in thickness
used in greenhouses, where occupancy by the general
public is not authorized, and for aquaculture pond covers
is not required to meet the fire propagation performance
criteria of NFPA 701.
International Building Code 3102.3.1
Membrane and interior liner material. Membranes
and interior liners shall be either noncombustible as
set forth in Section 703.4 or meet the fire propagation performance
criteria of NFPA 701 and the manufacturer�s test
Exception: Plastic less than 20 mil (0.5 mm)in thickness
used in greenhouses, where occupancy by the general
public is not authorized, and for aquaculture pond covers
is not required to meet the fire propagation performance
criteria of NFPA 701.
International Building Code 3102.4
Allowable floor areas. The area of a membrane structure
shall not exceed the limitations set forth in Table 503,
except as provided in Section 506.
International Building Code 3102.5
Maximum height. Membrane structures shall not
exceed one story nor shall such structures exceed the height
limitations in feet set forth in Table 503.
Exception: Noncombustible membrane structures serving
as roofs only.
International Building Code 3102.6
Mixed construction. Membrane structures shall be
permitted to be utilized as specified in this section as a portion
of buildings of other types of construction. Height and area
limits shall be as specified for the type of construction and
occupancy of the building.
Noncombustible membrane. A noncombustible
membrane shall be permitted for use as the roof or as a skylight
of any building or atrium of a building of any type of
construction provided it is at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above
any floor, balcony or gallery.
Membrane. A membrane meeting the fire
propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 shall be
permitted to be used as the roof or as a skylight on buildings
of Type IIB, III, IV andVconstruction, provided it is
at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above any floor, balcony or
International Building Code 3102.6.1
Noncombustible membrane. A noncombustible
membrane shall be permitted for use as the roof or as a skylight
of any building or atrium of a building of any type of
construction provided it is at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above
any floor, balcony or gallery.
Membrane. A membrane meeting the fire
propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 shall be
permitted to be used as the roof or as a skylight on buildings
of Type IIB, III, IV andVconstruction, provided it is
at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above any floor, balcony or
International Building Code 3102.6.1.1
Membrane. A membrane meeting the fire
propagation performance criteria of NFPA 701 shall be
permitted to be used as the roof or as a skylight on buildings
of Type IIB, III, IV andVconstruction, provided it is
at least 20 feet (6096 mm) above any floor, balcony or
International Building Code 3102.7
Engineering design. The structure shall be designed
and constructed to sustain dead loads; loads due to tension or
inflation; live loads including wind, snow or flood and seismic
loads and in accordance with Chapter 16.
International Building Code 3102.8
Inflation systems. Air-supported and air-inflated
structures shall be provided with primary and auxiliary inflation
systems to meet the minimum requirements of Sections
3102.8.1 through 3102.8.3.
Equipment requirements. This inflation system
shall consist of one or more blowers and shall include provisions
for automatic control to maintain the required inflation
pressures. The system shall be so designed as to prevent
overpressurization of the system.
Auxiliary inflation system. In addition to
the primary inflation system, in buildings exceeding
1,500 square feet (140 m2) in area, an auxiliary inflation
system shall be provided with sufficient capacity to
maintain the inflation of the structure in case of primary
system failure. The auxiliary inflation system shall operate
automatically when there is a loss of internal pressure
and when the primary blower system becomes inoperative.
Blower equipment. Blower equipment shall
meet the following requirements:
1. Blowers shall be powered by continuous-rated
motors at the maximum power required for any
flow condition as required by the structural design.
2. Blowers shall be provided with inlet screens, belt
guards and other protective devices as required by
the building official to provide protection from
3. Blowers shall be housed within a weather-protecting
4. Blowers shall be equipped with backdraft check
dampers to minimize air loss when inoperative.
5. Blower inlets shall be located to provide protection
from air contamination. The location of inlets shall
be approved.
Standby power. Wherever an auxiliary inflation
system is required, an approved standby power-generating
system shall be provided. The system shall be equipped with
a suitable means for automatically starting the generator set
upon failure of the normal electrical service and for automatic
transfer and operation of all of the required electrical
functions at full power within 60 seconds of such service
failure. Standby power shall be capable of operating independently
for a minimum of 4 hours.
Support provisions. A system capable of supporting
the membrane in the event of deflation shall be provided
for in air-supported and air-inflated structures having
an occupant load of 50 or more or where covering a swimming
pool regardless of occupant load. The support system
shall be capable of maintaining membrane structures used
as a roof for Type I construction not less than 20 feet (6096
mm) above floor or seating areas. The support system shall
be capable of maintaining other membranes at least 7 feet
(2134 mm) above the floor, seating area or surface of the
International Building Code 3102.8.1
Equipment requirements. This inflation system
shall consist of one or more blowers and shall include provisions
for automatic control to maintain the required inflation
pressures. The system shall be so designed as to prevent
overpressurization of the system.
Auxiliary inflation system. In addition to
the primary inflation system, in buildings exceeding
1,500 square feet (140 m2) in area, an auxiliary inflation
system shall be provided with sufficient capacity to
maintain the inflation of the structure in case of primary
system failure. The auxiliary inflation system shall operate
automatically when there is a loss of internal pressure
and when the primary blower system becomes inoperative.
Blower equipment. Blower equipment shall
meet the following requirements:
1. Blowers shall be powered by continuous-rated
motors at the maximum power required for any
flow condition as required by the structural design.
2. Blowers shall be provided with inlet screens, belt
guards and other protective devices as required by
the building official to provide protection from
3. Blowers shall be housed within a weather-protecting
4. Blowers shall be equipped with backdraft check
dampers to minimize air loss when inoperative.
5. Blower inlets shall be located to provide protection
from air contamination. The location of inlets shall
be approved.
International Building Code 3102.8.1.1
Auxiliary inflation system. In addition to
the primary inflation system, in buildings exceeding
1,500 square feet (140 m2) in area, an auxiliary inflation
system shall be provided with sufficient capacity to
maintain the inflation of the structure in case of primary
system failure. The auxiliary inflation system shall operate
automatically when there is a loss of internal pressure
and when the primary blower system becomes inoperative.
International Building Code 3102.8.1.2
Blower equipment. Blower equipment shall
meet the following requirements:
1. Blowers shall be powered by continuous-rated
motors at the maximum power required for any
flow condition as required by the structural design.
2. Blowers shall be provided with inlet screens, belt
guards and other protective devices as required by
the building official to provide protection from
3. Blowers shall be housed within a weather-protecting
4. Blowers shall be equipped with backdraft check
dampers to minimize air loss when inoperative.
5. Blower inlets shall be located to provide protection
from air contamination. The location of inlets shall
be approved.
International Building Code 3102.8.2
Standby power. Wherever an auxiliary inflation
system is required, an approved standby power-generating
system shall be provided. The system shall be equipped with
a suitable means for automatically starting the generator set
upon failure of the normal electrical service and for automatic
transfer and operation of all of the required electrical
functions at full power within 60 seconds of such service
failure. Standby power shall be capable of operating independently
for a minimum of 4 hours.
International Building Code 3102.8.3
Support provisions. A system capable of supporting
the membrane in the event of deflation shall be provided
for in air-supported and air-inflated structures having
an occupant load of 50 or more or where covering a swimming
pool regardless of occupant load. The support system
shall be capable of maintaining membrane structures used
as a roof for Type I construction not less than 20 feet (6096
mm) above floor or seating areas. The support system shall
be capable of maintaining other membranes at least 7 feet
(2134 mm) above the floor, seating area or surface of the