International Building Code Section 3409

International Building Code 3409.1

Scope. The provisions of Sections 3409.1 through
3409.9 apply to maintenance, change of occupancy, additions
and alterations to existing buildings, including those identified
as historic buildings.
Exception: Type B dwelling or sleeping units required by
Section 1107 are not required to be provided in existing
buildings and facilities.

International Building Code 3409.2

Maintenance of facilities. A building, facility or element
that is constructed or altered to be accessible shall be
maintained accessible during occupancy.

International Building Code 3409.3

Extent of application. An alteration of an existing element,
space or area of a building or facility shall not impose a
requirement for greater accessibility than that which would be
required for new construction.
Alterations shall not reduce or have the effect of reducing
accessibility of a building, portion of a building or facility.

International Building Code 3409.4

Change of occupancy. Existing buildings, or portions
thereof, that undergo a change of group or occupancy shall
have all of the following accessible features:
1. At least one accessible building entrance.
2. At least one accessible route from an accessible building
entrance to primary function areas.
3. Signage complying with Section 1110.
4. Accessible parking, where parking is being provided.
5. At least one accessible passenger loading zone, when
loading zones are provided.
6. At least one accessible route connecting accessible parking
and accessible passenger loading zones to an accessible
Where it is technically infeasible to comply with the new
construction standards for any of these requirements for a
change of group or occupancy, the above items shall conform
to the requirements to the maximum extent technically feasible.
Change of group or occupancy that incorporates any alterations
or additions shall comply with this section and Sections
3409.5, 3409.6, 3409.7 and 3409.8.

International Building Code 3409.5

Additions. Provisions for new construction shall apply
to additions. An addition that affects the accessibility to, or
contains an area of, a primary function shall comply with the
requirements in Section 3409.7.

International Building Code 3409.6

Alterations. A building, facility or element that is
altered shall comply with the applicable provisions in Chapter
11 and ICC A117.1, unless technically infeasible. Where compliance
with this sectionis technically infeasible, the alteration
shall provide access to the maximum extent technically feasible.
1. The altered element or space is not required to be on
an accessible route, unless required by Section
2. Accessible means of egress required by Chapter 10
are not required to be provided in existing buildings
and facilities.
3. The alteration to TypeAindividually owned dwelling
units within a Group R-2 occupancy shall meet the
provision for a TypeBdwelling unit and shall comply
with the applicable provisions in Chapter 11 and
ICC/ANSI A117.1.

International Building Code 3409.7

Alterations affecting an area containing a primary
function. Where an alteration affects the accessibility to, or
contains an area of primary function, the route to the primary
function area shall be accessible. The accessible route to the
primary function area shall include toilet facilities or drinking
fountains serving the area of primary function.
1. The costs of providing the accessible route are not
required to exceed 20 percent of the costs of the alterations
affecting the area of primary function.
2. This provision does not apply to alterations limited
solely to windows, hardware, operating controls,
electrical outlets and signs.
3. This provision does not apply to alterations limited
solely to mechanical systems, electrical systems,
installation or alteration of fire protection systems
and abatement of hazardous materials.
4. This provision does not apply to alterations undertaken
for the primary purpose of increasing the accessibility
of an existing building, facility or element.

International Building Code 3409.8

Scoping for alterations. The provisions of Sections
3409.8.1 through 3409.8.12 shall apply to alterations to existing
buildings and facilities.

Entrances. Accessible entrances shall be provided
in accordance with Section 1105.
Exception: Where an alteration includes alterations to
an entrance, and the building or facility has an accessible
entrance, the altered entrance is not required to be accessible,
unless required by Section 3409.7. Signs complying
with Section 1110 shall be provided.

Elevators. Altered elements of existing elevators
shall comply with ASME A17.1 and ICC A117.1. Such elements
shall also be altered in elevators programmed to
respond to the same hall call control as the altered elevator.

Platform lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts complying
with ICC A117.1 and installed in accordance with
ASME A18.1 shall be permitted as a component of an
accessible route.

Stairs and escalators in existing buildings. In
alterations where an escalator or stair is added where none
existed previously, an accessible route shall be provided in
accordance with Sections 1104.4 and 1104.5.

Ramps. Where steeper slopes than allowed by
Section 1010.2 are necessitated by space limitations, the
slope of ramps in or providing access to existing buildings
or facilities shall comply with Table 3409.8.5.

Performance areas. Where it is technically infeasible
to alter performance areas to be on an accessible route,
at least one of each type of performance area shall be made

Dwelling or sleeping units. Where I-1, I-2 , I-3,
R-1, R-2 or R-4 dwelling or sleeping units are being altered
or added, the requirements of Section 1107 for Accessible
or Type A units and Section 907 for accessible alarms apply
only to the quantity of spaces being altered or added.

Jury boxes and witness stands. In alterations,
accessible wheelchair spaces are not required to be located
within the defined area of raised jury boxes or witness
stands and shall be permitted to be located outside these
spaces where the ramp or lift access restricts or projects into
the means of egress.

Toilet rooms. Where it is technically infeasible to
alter existing toilet and bathing facilities to be accessible, an
accessible unisex toilet or bathing facility is permitted. The
unisex facility shall be located on the same floor and in the
same area as the existing facilities.

Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Where it is
technically infeasible to provide accessible dressing, fitting
or locker rooms at the same location as similar types of
rooms, one accessible room on the same level shall be provided.
Where separate-sex facilities are provided, accessible
rooms for each sex shall be provided. Separate-sex
facilities are not required where only unisex rooms are provided.

Check-out aisles. Where check-out aisles are
altered, at least one of each check-out aisle serving each
function shall be made accessible until the number of accessible
check-out aisles complies with Section 1109.12.2.

Thresholds. The maximum height of thresholds
at doorways shall be 3/4 inch (19.1 mm). Such thresholds
shall have beveled edges on each side.

International Building Code 3409.8.1

Entrances. Accessible entrances shall be provided
in accordance with Section 1105.
Exception: Where an alteration includes alterations to
an entrance, and the building or facility has an accessible
entrance, the altered entrance is not required to be accessible,
unless required by Section 3409.7. Signs complying
with Section 1110 shall be provided.

International Building Code 3409.8.10

Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Where it is
technically infeasible to provide accessible dressing, fitting
or locker rooms at the same location as similar types of
rooms, one accessible room on the same level shall be provided.
Where separate-sex facilities are provided, accessible
rooms for each sex shall be provided. Separate-sex
facilities are not required where only unisex rooms are provided.

International Building Code 3409.8.11

Check-out aisles. Where check-out aisles are
altered, at least one of each check-out aisle serving each
function shall be made accessible until the number of accessible
check-out aisles complies with Section 1109.12.2.

International Building Code 3409.8.12

Thresholds. The maximum height of thresholds
at doorways shall be 3/4 inch (19.1 mm). Such thresholds
shall have beveled edges on each side.

International Building Code 3409.8.2

Elevators. Altered elements of existing elevators
shall comply with ASME A17.1 and ICC A117.1. Such elements
shall also be altered in elevators programmed to
respond to the same hall call control as the altered elevator.

International Building Code 3409.8.3

Platform lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts complying
with ICC A117.1 and installed in accordance with
ASME A18.1 shall be permitted as a component of an
accessible route.

International Building Code 3409.8.4

Stairs and escalators in existing buildings. In
alterations where an escalator or stair is added where none
existed previously, an accessible route shall be provided in
accordance with Sections 1104.4 and 1104.5.

International Building Code 3409.8.5

Ramps. Where steeper slopes than allowed by
Section 1010.2 are necessitated by space limitations, the
slope of ramps in or providing access to existing buildings
or facilities shall comply with Table 3409.8.5.

International Building Code 3409.8.6

Performance areas. Where it is technically infeasible
to alter performance areas to be on an accessible route,
at least one of each type of performance area shall be made

International Building Code 3409.8.7

Dwelling or sleeping units. Where I-1, I-2 , I-3,
R-1, R-2 or R-4 dwelling or sleeping units are being altered
or added, the requirements of Section 1107 for Accessible
or Type A units and Section 907 for accessible alarms apply
only to the quantity of spaces being altered or added.

International Building Code 3409.8.8

Jury boxes and witness stands. In alterations,
accessible wheelchair spaces are not required to be located
within the defined area of raised jury boxes or witness
stands and shall be permitted to be located outside these
spaces where the ramp or lift access restricts or projects into
the means of egress.

International Building Code 3409.8.9

Toilet rooms. Where it is technically infeasible to
alter existing toilet and bathing facilities to be accessible, an
accessible unisex toilet or bathing facility is permitted. The
unisex facility shall be located on the same floor and in the
same area as the existing facilities.

International Building Code 3409.9

Historic buildings. These provisions shall apply to
buildings and facilities designated as historic structures that
undergo alterations or a change of occupancy, unless technically
infeasible. Where compliance with the requirements for
accessible routes, ramps, entrances or toilet facilities would
threaten or destroy the historic significance of the building or
facility, as determined by the authority having jurisdiction, the
alternative requirements of Sections 3409.9.1 through
3409.9.4 for that element shall be permitted.

Site arrival points. At least one accessible route
from a site arrival point to an accessible entrance shall be

Multilevel buildings and facilities. An accessible
route from an accessible entrance to public spaces on the
level of the accessible entrance shall be provided.

Entrances. At least one main entrance shall be
1. If a main entrance cannot be made accessible, an
accessible nonpublic entrance that is unlocked
while the building is occupied shall be provided; or
2. If a main entrance cannot be made accessible, a
locked accessible entrance with a notification system
or remote monitoring shall be provided.
Signs complying with Section 1110 shall be provided at
the primary entrance and the accessible entrance.

Toilet and bathing facilities. Where toilet rooms
are provided, at least one accessible toilet room complying
with Section 1109.2.1 shall be provided.

International Building Code 3409.9.1

Site arrival points. At least one accessible route
from a site arrival point to an accessible entrance shall be

International Building Code 3409.9.2

Multilevel buildings and facilities. An accessible
route from an accessible entrance to public spaces on the
level of the accessible entrance shall be provided.

International Building Code 3409.9.3

Entrances. At least one main entrance shall be
1. If a main entrance cannot be made accessible, an
accessible nonpublic entrance that is unlocked
while the building is occupied shall be provided; or
2. If a main entrance cannot be made accessible, a
locked accessible entrance with a notification system
or remote monitoring shall be provided.
Signs complying with Section 1110 shall be provided at
the primary entrance and the accessible entrance.

International Building Code 3409.9.4

Toilet and bathing facilities. Where toilet rooms
are provided, at least one accessible toilet room complying
with Section 1109.2.1 shall be provided.