International Building Code 412.2.6
Fire suppression. Aircraft hangars shall be provided
with fire suppression as required by NFPA 409.
Exception: Group II hangars as defined in NFPA 409
storing private aircraft without major maintenance or
overhaul are exempt from foam suppression requirements.
International Building Code 412.3.4
Smoke alarms. Smoke alarms shall be provided
within the hangar in accordance with Section
International Building Code 412.1.4
Automatic fire detection systems. Airport traffic
control towers shall be provided with an automatic fire
detection system installed in accordance with Section
International Building Code 412.1.5
Standby power. A standby power system that
conforms to Section 2702 shall be provided in airport traffic
control towers more than 65 feet (19 812 mm) in height.
Power shall be provided to the following equipment:
1. Pressurization equipment, mechanical equipment and
2. Elevator operating equipment.
3. Fire alarm and smoke detection systems.
International Building Code 412.4.1
Occupancy group. Aircraft paint hangars shall
be classified as Group H-2. Aircraft paint hangars shall
comply with the applicable requirements of this code and
the International Fire Code for such occupancy.
International Building Code 412.4.3
Operations. Only those flammable liquids necessary
for painting operations shall be permitted in quantities
less than the maximum allowable quantities per control area
in Table 307.1(1). Spray equipment cleaning operations shall
be conducted in a liquid use, dispensing and mixing room.
International Building Code 412.4.5
Fire suppression. Aircraft paint hangars shall
be provided with fire suppression as required by NFPA409.
International Building Code 412.1
Airport traffic control towers.
International Building Code 412.1.1
General. The provisions of this section shall apply
to airport traffic control towers not exceeding 1,500 square
feet (140m2) per floor occupied only for the following uses:
1. Airport traffic control cab.
2. Electrical and mechanical equipment rooms.
3. Airport terminal radar and electronics rooms.
4. Office spaces incidental to the tower operation.
5. Lounges for employees, including sanitary facilities.
International Building Code 412.1.2
Type of construction. Airport traffic control towers
shall be constructed to comply with the height and area
limitations of Table 412.1.2.
TABLE 412.1.2
(square feet)
International Building Code 412.1.3
Egress. A minimum of one exit stairway shall be
permitted for airport traffic control towers of any height provided
that the occupant load per floor does not exceed 15.
The stairway shall conform to the requirements of Section
1009. The stairway shall be separated from elevators by a
minimum distance of one-half of the diagonal of the area
served measured in a straight line. The exit stairway and elevator
hoistway are permitted to be located in the same shaft
enclosure, provided they are separated from each other by a
4-hour fire barrier having no openings. Such stairway shall
be pressurized to a minimum of 0.15 inch of water column
(43 Pa) and a maximum of 0.35 inch of water column (101
Pa) in the shaft relative to the building with stairway doors
closed. Stairways need not extend to the roof as specified in
Section 1009.11. The provisions of Section 403 do not
Exception: Smokeproof enclosures as set forth in Section
1020.1.7 are not required where required stairways
are pressurized.
International Building Code 412.1.6
Accessibility. Airport traffic control towers need
not be accessible as specified in the provisions of Chapter
International Building Code 412.2
Aircraft hangars. Aircraft hangars shall be in accordance
with Sections 412.2.1 through 412.2.6.
International Building Code 412.4
Aircraft paint hangars. Aircraft painting operations
where flammable liquids are used in excess of the maximum
allowable quantities per control area listed in Table
307.7(1) shall be conducted in an aircraft paint hangar that
complies with the provisions of Section 412.4.
International Building Code 412.2.1
Exterior walls. Exterior walls located less than 30
feet (9 144 mm) from property lines, lot lines or a public
way shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 hours.
International Building Code 412.2.2
Basements. Where hangars have basements, the
floor over the basement shall be of Type IA construction and
shall be made tight against seepage of water, oil or vapors.
There shall be no opening or communication between the
basement and the hangar. Access to the basement shall be
from outside only.
International Building Code 412.2.3
Floor surface. Floors shall be graded and drained
to prevent water or fuel from remaining on the floor. Floor
drains shall discharge through an oil separator to the sewer
or to an outside vented sump.
Exception: Aircraft hangars with individual lease
spaces not exceeding 2,000 square feet (186 m2) each in
which servicing, repairing or washing is not conducted
and fuel is not dispensed shall have floors that are graded
toward the door, but shall not require a separator.
International Building Code 412.2.4
Heating equipment. Heating equipment shall be
placed in another room separated by 2-hour fire-resistance-
rated construction. Entrance shall be from the outside
or by means of a vestibule providing a two-doorway separation.
1. Unit heaters and vented infrared radiant heating
equipment suspended at least 10 feet (3048 mm)
above the upper surface of wings or engine enclosures
of the highest aircraft that are permitted to be
housed in the hangar and at least 8 feet (2438 mm)
above the floor in shops, offices and other sections
of the hangar communicating with storage or service
2. A single interior door shall be allowed, provided
the sources of ignition in the appliances are at least
18 inches (457 mm) above the floor.
International Building Code 412.2.5
Finishing. The process of “doping,” involving use
of a volatile flammable solvent, or of painting, shall be carried
on in a separate detached building equipped with automatic
fire-extinguishing equipment in accordance with
Section 903.
International Building Code 412.3
Residential aircraft hangars. Residential aircraft hangars
as defined in Section 412.3.1 shall comply with Sections
412.3.2 through 412.3.6.
International Building Code 412.3.1
Definition. The following word and term shall, for
the purposes of this chapter and as used elsewhere in this
code, have the meaning shown herein.
building less than 2,000 square feet (186 m2) and 20 feet
(6096 mm) in height, constructed on a one- or two-family
residential property where aircraft are stored. Such use will
be considered as a residential accessory use incidental to the
International Building Code 412.3.2
Fire separation. Ahangar shall not be attached to a
dwelling unless separated by a fire barrier having a
fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. Such separation
shall be continuous from the foundation to the underside of
the roof and unpierced except for doors leading to the dwelling
unit. Doors into the dwelling unit must be equipped with
self-closing devices and conform to the requirements of
Section 715 with at least a 4-inch (102 mm) noncombustible
raised sill. Openings from a hanger directly into a room used
for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted.
International Building Code 412.3.3
Egress. A hangar shall provide two means of
egress. One of the doors into the dwelling shall be considered
as meeting only one of the two means of egress.
International Building Code 412.3.5
Independent systems. Electrical, mechanical and
plumbing drain, waste and vent (DWV) systems installed
within the hangar shall be independent of the systems
installed within the dwelling. Building sewer lines shall be
permitted to be connect outside the structures.
Exception: Smoke detector wiring and feed for electrical
subpanels in the hangar.
International Building Code 412.3.6
Height and area limits. Residential aircraft hangars
shall not exceed 2,000 square feet (186 m2) in area and
20 feet (6096 mm) in height.
International Building Code 412.4.2
Construction. The aircraft paint hangar shall be of
Type I or II construction.
International Building Code 412.4.4
Storage. Storage of flammable liquids shall be
in a liquid storage room.
International Building Code 412.4.6
Ventilation. Aircraft paint hangars shall be provided
with ventilation as required in the International
Mechanical Code.
International Building Code 412.5
Heliports and helistops. Heliports and helistops shall
be permitted to be erected on buildings or other locations where
they are constructed in accordance with this section.
International Building Code 412.5.1
Definitions. The following words and terms shall,
for the purposes of this chapter and as used elsewhere in this
code, have the meanings shown herein.
HELIPORT. An area of land or water or a structural surface
that is used, or intended for use, for the landing and taking off
of helicopters, and any appurtenant areas that are used, or
intended for use, for heliport buildings and other heliport
HELISTOP. The same as a “Heliport,” except that no fueling,
defueling, maintenance, repairs or storage of helicopters
is permitted.
International Building Code 412.5.2
Size. The landing area for helicopters less than
3,500 pounds (1588 kg) shall be a minimum of 20 feet (6096
mm) in length and width. The landing area shall be surrounded
on all sides by a clear area having a minimum average
width at roof level of 15 feet (4572 mm) but with no
width less than 5 feet (1524 mm).
International Building Code 412.5.3
Design. Helicopter landing areas and the supports
thereof on the roof of a building shall be noncombustible
construction. Landing areas shall be designed to confine any
flammable liquid spillage to the landing area itself and provisions
shall be made to drain such spillage away from any
exit or stairway serving the helicopter landing area or from a
structure housing such exit or stairway. For structural design
requirements, see Section 1605.5.
International Building Code 412.5.4
Means of egress. The means of egress from heliports
and helistops shall comply with the provisions of
Chapter 10. Landing areas located on buildings or structures
shall have two or more means of egress. For landing areas
less than 60 feet (18 288 mm) in length, or less than 2,000
square feet (186m2) in area, the second means of egress may
be a fire escape or ladder leading to the floor below.
412.5.5 Rooftop heliports and helistops. Rooftop heliports
and helistops shall comply with NFPA 418.