International Building Code 414.1.2.1
Aerosols. Level 2 and 3 aerosol products
shall be stored and displayed in accordance with the
International Fire Code. See Section 311.2 and the International
Fire Code for occupancy group requirements.
International Building Code 414.1.3
Information required. Separate floor plans
shall be submitted for buildings and structures with an occupancy
in Group H, identifying the locations of anticipated
contents and processes so as to reflect the nature of each
occupied portion of every building and structure. A report
identifying hazardous materials including, but not limited
to, materials representing hazards that are classified in
Group H to be stored or used, shall be submitted and the
methods of protection from such hazards shall be indicated
on the construction documents. The opinion and report shall
be prepared by a qualified person, firm or corporation
approved by the building official and shall be provided
without charge to the enforcing agency.
International Building Code 414.2.3
Number. The maximum number of control
areas within a building shall be in accordance with Table
International Building Code 414.6.1.2
Separation distance. The distance from
the structure to buildings, lot lines, publicways or means
International Building Code 414.6.1.3
Noncombustible construction. The overhead
structure shall be of approved noncombustible construction
with a maximum area of 1,500 square feet (140
Exception: The increases permitted by Section 506
International Building Code 414.7.1
Storage. An approved manual emergency
alarm system shall be provided in buildings, rooms or areas
used for storage of hazardous materials. Emergency
alarm-initiating devices shall be installed outside of each
interior exit or exit access door of storage buildings, rooms
or areas. Activation of an emergency alarm-initiating device
shall sound a local alarm to alert occupants of an emergency
situation involving hazardous materials.
International Building Code 414.1
General. The provisions of this section shall apply to
buildings and structures occupied for the manufacturing, processing,
dispensing, use or storage of hazardous materials.
International Building Code 414.1.1
Other provisions. Buildings and structures
with an occupancy in Group H shall also comply with the
applicable provisions of Section 415 and the International
Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.1.2
Materials. The safe design of hazardous material
occupancies is material dependent. Individual material
requirements are also found in Sections 307 and 415, and in
the International Mechanical Code and the International
Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.2
Control areas. Control areas shall comply with Sections
414.2.1 through 414.2.5 and the International Fire Code.
414.2.1 Construction requirements. Control areas shall
be separated from each other by fire barriers constructed in
accordance with Section 706 or horizontal assemblies constructed
in accordance with Section 711, or both.
International Building Code 414.2.2
Percentage of maximum allowable quantities.
The percentage of maximum allowable quantities of
hazardous materials per control area permitted at each floor
level within a building shall be in accordance with Table
International Building Code 414.2.5
Hazardous material in GroupMdisplay and
storage areas and in Group S storage areas. The aggregate
quantity of nonflammable solid and nonflammable or
noncombustible liquid hazardous materials permitted
within a single control area of a Group M display and storage
area, a Group S storage area or an outdoor control area is
permitted to exceed the maximum allowable quantities per
International Building Code 414.3
Ventilation. Rooms, areas or spaces of Group H in
which explosive, corrosive, combustible, flammable or
highly toxic dusts,mists, fumes, vapors or gases are ormay be
emitted due to the processing, use, handling or storage of
materials shall be mechanically ventilated as required by the
International Fire Code and the International Mechanical
Ducts conveying explosives or flammable vapors, fumes or
dusts shall extend directly to the exterior of the building without
entering other spaces. Exhaust ducts shall not extend into or
through ducts and plenums.
Exception: Ducts conveying vapor or fumes having flammable
constituents less than 25 percent of their lower flammable
limit (LFL) are permitted to pass through other
Emissions generated atworkstations shall be confined to the
area in which they are generated as specified in the International
Fire Code and the International Mechanical Code.
The location of supply and exhaust openings shall be in
accordance with the International Mechanical Code. Exhaust
air contaminated by highly toxic material shall be treated in
accordance with the International Fire Code.
A manual shutoff control for ventilation equipment required
by this section shall be provided outside the room adjacent to
the principal access door to the room. The switch shall be of the
break-glass type and shall be labeled: VENTILATION SYSTEM
International Building Code 414.4
Hazardous material systems. Systems involving
hazardous materials shall be suitable for the intended application.
Controls shall be designed to prevent materials from
entering or leaving process or reaction systems at other than the
intended time, rate or path. Automatic controls, where provided,
shall be designed to be fail safe.
International Building Code 414.5
Inside storage, dispensing and use. The inside storage,
dispensing and use of hazardous materials in excess of the
maximum allowable quantities per control area of Tables
307.1(1) and 307.1(2) shall be in accordance with Sections
414.5.1 through 414.5.5 of this code and the International Fire
International Building Code 414.6
Outdoor storage, dispensing and use. The outdoor
storage, dispensing and use of hazardous materials shall be in
accordance with the International Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.7
Emergency alarms. Emergency alarms for the
detection and notification of an emergency condition in Group
H occupancies shall be provided as set forth herein.
International Building Code 414.5.1
Explosion control. Explosion control shall be
provided in accordance with the International Fire Code as
required by Table 414.5.1 where quantities of hazardous
materials specified in that table exceed the maximum allowable
quantities in Table 307.1(1) or where a structure, room
or space is occupied for purposes involving explosion hazards
as required by Section 415 or the International Fire
International Building Code 414.5.2
Monitor control equipment. Monitor control
equipment shall be provided where required by the International
Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.5.3
Automatic fire detection systems. Group H
occupancies shall be provided with an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section 907.2.
International Building Code 414.5.4
Standby or emergency power. Where mechanical
ventilation, treatment systems, temperature control,
alarm, detection or other electrically operated systems are
required, such systems shall be provided with an emergency
or standby power system in accordance with this code or the
ICC Electrical Code.
1. Storage areas for Class I and II oxidizers.
2. Storage areas for Class III, IV and V organic peroxides.
3. Storage, use and handling areas for highly toxic or
toxic materials as provided for in the International
Fire Code.
4. Standby power for mechanical ventilation, treatment
systems and temperature control systems
shall not be required where an approved fail-safe
engineered system is installed.
International Building Code 414.5.5
Spill control, drainage and containment.
Rooms, buildings or areas occupied for the storage of solid
and liquid hazardous materials shall be provided with a
means to control spillage and to contain or drain off spillage
and fire protection water discharged in the storage area
where required in the International Fire Code. The methods
of spill control shall be in accordance with the International
Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.6.1
Weather protection. Where weather protection
is provided for sheltering outdoor hazardous material storage
or use areas, such areas shall be considered outdoor
storage or use when the weather protection structure complies
with Sections 414.6.1.1 through 414.6.1.3.
International Building Code 414.6.1.1
Walls. Walls shall not obstruct more than
one side of the structure.
Exception: Walls shall be permitted to obstruct portions
of multiple sides of the structure, provided that
the obstructed area does not exceed 25 percent of the
structure’s perimeter.
International Building Code 414.7.2
Dispensing, use and handling. Where hazardous
materials having a hazard ranking of 3 or 4 in accordance
with NFPA 704 are transported through corridors or
exit enclosures, there shall be an emergency telephone system,
a local manual alarm station or an approved alarm-initiating
device at not more than 150-foot (45 720 mm)
intervals and at each exit and exit access doorway throughout
the transport route. The signal shall be relayed to an
approved central, proprietary or remote station service or
constantly attended on-site location and shall also initiate a
local audible alarm.
International Building Code 414.7.3
Supervision. Emergency alarm systems shall
be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote
station service or shall initiate an audible and visual signal at
a constantly attended on-site location.
International Building Code TABLE 414.2.2
Above grade
Higher than 9
Below grade
Lower than 2
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
a. Percentages shall be of the maximum allowable quantity per control area shown in Tables 307.1(1) and 307.1(2), with all increases allowed in the notes to those
b. Fire barriers shall include walls and floors as necessary to provide separation from other portions of the building. ?
control area specified in Tables 307.1(1) and 307.1(2) without
classifying the building or use as a Group H occupancy,
provided that the materials are displayed and stored in
accordance with the International Fire Code and quantities
do not exceed the maximum allowable specified in Table
In Group M occupancy wholesale and retail sales uses,
indoor storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall
not exceed the maximum allowable quantities per control
area as indicated in Table 414.2.5(2), provided that the
materials are displayed and stored in accordance with the
International Fire Code.
The maximum quantity of aerosol products in Group M
occupancy retail display areas, storage areas adjacent to
retail display areas and retail storage areas shall be in accordance
with the International Fire Code.
International Building Code 414.2.4
Fire-resistance-rating requirements. The
required fire-resistance rating for fire barriers shall be in
accordance with Table 414.2.2. The floor construction of
the control area and the construction supporting the floor of
the control area shall have a minimum 2-hour fire-resistance
Exception: The floor construction of the control area
and the construction supporting the floor of the control
area is allowed to be 1-hour fire-resistance rated in buildings
of Type IIA, IIIA and VA construction, provided
that both of the following conditions exist:
1. The building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1, and
2. The building is three stories or less in height.